Author Archives: Martin John Company

concrete patio ideas

What Are the Benefits of Having a Concrete Patio?

Did you know that a standard wood patio can only hold about 50 pounds per square foot (PSF) and that a concrete slab could hold up to 4,000 pounds in comparison? This will significantly vary based on the size of the concrete patio but the PSF of concrete and wood barely compare. Using materials like wood or tile are popular patio options but they do not stand up well to concrete in terms of durability, versatility, and lifespan.

A concrete patio offers you better value, it is easier to maintain, and it is more affordable than options like brick or certain tiles. If you are looking for something with a high tensile strength that is cost-effective, concrete might be your best option. Keep reading to find out the top advantages of using concrete to elevate your space.

The Affordability of a Concrete Patio Is Hard to Deny

It is often assumed that using concrete comes at a higher price tag than opting for other options for outdoor patio solutions. In some cases, this can be true but overall, pouring concrete is less expensive by the square foot. Whether you are using concrete pavers or pouring a concrete slab, depending on the size, the cost is quite manageable.

Not to mention, when using concrete, you are getting value based on the lifespan. Concrete usually lasts two to even three times longer than wood does. This means that if you have a wood deck, you can expect to pay additional costs in upkeep and continued maintenance far down the line.

Depending on your climate, wood decks can weather quickly and pose potential safety issues. It could also require additional costs if it needs to be replaced or parts rebuilt. To avoid those issues altogether, using concrete for patio pavement would make more sense both for short and long-term applications.

Consider That You Have a Choice to Make

In terms of direct costs, consider the price of a stamped concrete patio compared to building a wood deck. The concrete option could cost anywhere from $2,700 to $7,203.

Keep in mind that this price range will vary by project. The actual cost ultimately depends on the size of the patio, your design, and the complexity of that design.

However, on average, most homeowners are spending anywhere from $3,920 to $10,540 for a wood deck. The price for this will also depend on the size needed and the complexity of the build.

The price range for a wooden deck can be a bit higher in many cases and if you need a small deck, while it can be a low initial cost, you are still left with a few things to consider. You will have to have a maintenance schedule for it if you want it last. With something like wood, you also have to worry about unwanted color change and warping…two things that you do not have to worry about with concrete.

The chance for splintering is also a concern so let go of the idea of being outside barefoot on your deck especially if you have had it for a while. Wood decks will also require either painting or staining in most cases. Depending on the size, this is a job that could cost over $1000.

With concrete, it is more of a pour-and-go type of job. No painting or staining is necessary. While concrete may take a few days to cure, the investment is well worth it especially if you have children or pets.

Less Energy Spent on Upkeep

While there might be lawn and DIY enthusiasts that love a challenge…not too many people want to choose a patio solution that will surprise them with random issues to keep them on their toes. A concrete patio comes with very few surprises and requires little maintenance because it is a non-porous surface.

A non-porous perfect surface basically means that air and water…or other liquids cannot flow through it. This is a problem you may encounter with wood at some point even if it is treated but not with concrete. You may also hear that varnished wood or something similar is not porous.

While this is true, keep in mind that in a high-traffic area especially with pets and even the wind will cause that varnish to wear away over time. In a way, what was once something that you bought as ‘non-porous’ will later become porous and this is what will increase your chances of needing a rebuild down the line.

Like with anything though, there are some things to know about concrete.  There is the chance for cracking as the soil beneath the concrete ‘naturally’ shifts over time. A professional contractor will prep the base soil properly to help minimize any potential issues over time. Additionally, when done professionally, control joints will be used to combat cracking and future cracks are directed by intentionally cutting into weak spots.

Concrete Patios Are Built to Last

A concrete patio will last you more than 25 years and upwards of anywhere from 30 to 50 years. How long it lasts depends on where you live, how it was installed, and how well it is taken care of over time (it does not require much maintenance).

Consider the change in seasons as well. Concrete holds up to weather and changing seasons far better than wood and other decking materials.

Concrete Patio Designs Offer Significant Advantages

Having a concrete patio means that you will have something that will last longer and offer better durability. They offer a variety of styling opportunities and the upfront cost, depending on the size you need, could be lower when compared to other materials. Also, concrete allows you to get creative and is much easier to customize than materials like wood for example.

To see a significant return on your investment and find a way to enjoy your outdoor area year-round and long-term, get in touch with the Martin John team.

Backyard Fire pit

What Are the Advantages of a Backyard Fire Pit?

Did you know that around 38% of U.S. homeowners want to install a fire pit in their backyard? Have you considered installing a fire pit in your yard?

If so, you may wonder, “What are the advantages of having a backyard fire pit?” Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of installing a backyard fire pit.

Creating an Inviting Ambiance

Creating an inviting ambiance in your backyard is all about making it cozy and nice. A backyard fire pit can help you do just that!

When you have a fire pit, it makes your backyard look and feel warm and welcoming. The fire gives off a soft, gentle light that makes everything look magical.

With a backyard fire pit, you can gather your family and friends around it and spend quality time together. You can sit around the fire, talk, and laugh together. It is a great way to bond with the people you care about. You can also picnic near the fire pit or play fun outdoor games. It adds an extra element of fun and excitement to your backyard activities.

Adding a beautiful fire pit can enhance your yard, but that is not all. It also adds a touch of coziness. Imagine sitting by the fire on a cool evening, wrapped in a warm blanket, and enjoying the crackling sound of the fire.

Social Gatherings and Entertainment

Having a backyard fire pit is not only about creating a cozy ambiance but also about having fun with your family and friends. Here, you can learn how a backyard fire pit can make social gatherings and entertainment even more exciting.

Gathering Around the Fire Pit

Gather your loved ones around the fire pit and prepare for quality time together. You can sit on comfy chairs or the grass, telling stories and sharing laughter. It’s a perfect spot for conversing and bonding with your family and friends.

Outdoor Activities and Games

A backyard fire pit opens a world of outdoor activities and games. You can organize fun games like charades or play catch with a softball. The fire pit becomes the centerpiece of your outdoor entertainment, adding excitement to your gatherings.

Memorable Events and Parties

Hosting a party or a special event in your backyard with a fire pit creates unforgettable memories. Imagine celebrating a birthday or having a cozy outdoor movie night with your friends. You can roast marshmallows for delicious s’mores or even have a barbeque. A backyard fire pit adds a special touch to any occasion.

Extended Outdoor Living Season

Do you wish you could enjoy your backyard even when it is chilly outside? Well, with a backyard fire pit, you can.

It keeps you warm and cozy, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space even during the cooler months. You can sit by the fire, wrapped in a cozy blanket, and soak in the warmth while breathing in the crisp air.

With a backyard fire pit, you can embrace the changing seasons and maximize your outdoor living space throughout the year. So, do not let the cooler weather stop you from enjoying your backyard oasis.

Cooking and Culinary Experiences

Did you know a backyard fire pit can do more than keep you warm? It can also be your ticket to delicious and unique culinary experiences.

Exploring Various Cooking Options

With a fire pit, you have various cooking options at your fingertips. You can roast hot dogs and marshmallows on sticks, creating classic campfire treats.

You can also cook tasty meals using skewers or grill baskets. Imagine the delightful aroma of grilled veggies or juicy kebabs wafting through your backyard in Chicago.

Enhancing Flavors through Wood-Fired Cooking

Cooking over a fire pit adds a unique smoky flavor to your food that you cannot achieve with a regular stove. The flames and embers infuse your dishes with a unique taste that will have your taste buds dancing with joy. From tender steaks to flavorful seafood, the possibilities are endless.

Creating a Unique Dining Experience

Having a backyard fire pit allows you to create a one-of-a-kind dining experience. Imagine setting up a cozy outdoor table by the fire, surrounded by flickering flames. Enjoy a romantic dinner under the stars or have a delightful family barbecue.


Having a backyard fire pit brings joy and warmth to your outdoor space and offers great value for your money.

You might worry about the cost when hiring someone to install something special to your backyard. But fear not. A backyard fire pit is more affordable than features like a fancy patio or a swimming pool.

Personal Relaxation and Stress Relief

Most people live busy lives. However, finding moments of relaxation and stress relief is important. A backyard fire pit can be your retreat for relaxation and tranquility.

Utilizing the Soothing Effects

A backyard fire pit has a soothing effect on our minds and bodies. Sitting by the fire, you can feel the warmth on your skin and listen to the crackling sound of the flames. It creates a calming, peaceful atmosphere that helps you release stress and worries.

Encouraging Mindfulness and Relaxation

When you sit near a fire pit, you can take a moment to slow down and be mindful. You can focus on the gentle flickering flames and let your mind relax. It is a perfect opportunity to practice deep breathing and meditation, allowing your body and mind to rejuvenate.

Providing a Private Retreat

Your backyard fire pit can become your private retreat and little sanctuary. You can grab a book, a cozy blanket and enjoy quiet time alone. It is a space where you can escape from the noise and demands of daily life, finding solace in the gentle glow of the fire.

Safety Considerations

When it comes to having a backyard fire pit, safety is important. Some things to consider to ensure everyone has fun and remains safe are highlighted here.

Choosing the Right Spot

It is crucial to pick the right spot for your fire pit. Make sure it is far away from anything that can easily catch fire, like trees or bushes. Also, keep it away from your house or any structures.

Adult Supervision

Whenever there is a fire burning in the fire pit, it is essential to have an adult around. They can ensure everything is controlled and monitor everyone’s safety. Fire can be dangerous, so it is better to be cautious.

Maintenance and Precautionary Measures

To ensure safety, it is important to maintain your fire pit properly. Regularly clean out any debris or ashes from previous fires.

Keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water nearby, just in case. And always make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving it unattended.

Are You Ready to Install a Backyard Fire Pit?

Now you know all about the advantages of having a backyard fire pit. You can find these fire pits in all shapes and sizes. This allows you to customize your outdoor space and ensure you make the most of your fire pit.

Are you looking for backyard fire pit ideas? Or do you want to have one specially designed for your space? If so, contact us today

This Is How to Design a Patio You’ll Love

Outdoor living spaces like patios have never been as popular as they are now. A patio lets you enjoy the outdoors and relax in the comfort of your own home. Any space can become a retreat with the proper planning and design.

Try these ideas and tips to learn how to design a patio space.

Start by Determining the Primary Function of Your Patio

Are you looking for a dining area, a cooking area, an entertainment or relaxation area, or maybe a combination of these functions?

Do you want to use it year-round or only during specific seasons? Having a clear understanding of this will guide you in the design process.

Determine All Your Options

Evaluate the available space around your home. Decide if you want the patio to be close to your home or situated further out. Take note of existing elements such as fences or walls that can limit or even enhance your patio.

Consider spaces that have natural shade and privacy in the form of trees and shrubs that can be used without the need to add formal structures like a roof.

Alternatively, if you want a certain amount of sun exposure, look for an area with the correct cardinal direction. The position of your house can limit the use of certain areas, for instance, where direct sunlight is blocked for most of the day. Think about the view that you want to enjoy from the patio when you evaluate your options for patio placement.

Decide on a Budget

Your budget will ultimately determine most aspects of your planned patio. Depending on what you want in the space, your budget can increase with every new design detail that you add.

If the area that you have chosen needs any preparation like leveling off the ground or removal of existing trees or pavers, this will add to the overall cost and must be taken into consideration during the budget process.

Patios can be small cozy spaces suited to intimate gatherings, or they can be expansive and luxurious spaces. The cost of a patio is determined by your preferences and the money that you are willing to spend on the project. 

Choose a Style

Take into consideration the architectural style of your home, your personal preferences, and your lifestyle when choosing a design style for the patio. Do research on styles that you like and keep a mood board where you can store images that you want to include in your ultimate wish list for this project. 

Magazines, garden centers, and online platforms all provide a lot of inspiration on how to design a patio.

Even though it is an addition to your house, you need to think about how to make your patio blend in with the surrounding landscape and architecture. It is always more pleasing to the eye when different styles are designed to complement one another and blend seamlessly together. 

Select the Materials to Use

The nature of a patio demands the use of high-quality materials that can withstand the elements and weather patterns in your area. Options like natural stone, concrete, and brick are durable with low maintenance required. 

If you are considering any structural work such as pillars, arches, or a roof, this also needs to be able to weather harsh conditions like rain, wind, and snow. Having a beautiful patio is an investment you want to enjoy for many years. 

Planning the Layout

Sketch the layout of your patio to help you visualize the project.

Include the following:

  • All the dimensions of the floor plan
  • Placement of structural elements
  • Placement of lights and electrical outlets
  • Your planned garden layout in and around the patio area

Take your time and make changes as needed. Mark out the space by using stakes, string, and a tape measure. This will provide you with a clear idea of the size, layout, and functionality of your design. 

Consider Shade and Privacy

Determine the amount of shade that is needed on your patio. There are many options to choose from like umbrellas, shade netting, or retractable awnings. Strategically placed trees and bushes can also provide shade and privacy that will enhance the area.

If you have further privacy concerns, add elements such as trellises, large potted plants or trees, or privacy walls.

Outdoor Lighting Is an Important Design Element

Lighting plays an important role in your overall patio design. Decide what areas of your patio need to be illuminated according to the use or the area.

Lighting options to consider:

  • Fixed overhead lights connected to the power source of your house with options like dimmers
  • String lights are available in solar or battery options for convenience
  • Lanterns or table lamps to move around as needed in the different areas
  • Ground lights like deck or step lights for ambiance and safety
  • Hurricane lamps or paper lanterns add interest and can be swapped out for a different look when needed
  • Candles are available in many forms and contribute to a calming and peaceful atmosphere
  • Fragrant candles are a lovely addition to any space and can be used to keep away insects as well

If your budget and space allow it, consider using something as extravagant as a chandelier, to transform your space into an elegant retreat.

Using layered lighting in the same way you do inside your home is a way to make your space look custom designed. Layered lighting means you make use of different types of lights to create balanced, well-lit areas where needed.

If you have any structures or buildings nearby, consider adding lights to them that will further enhance the overall look of your patio. This can also be done by using lighting on existing trees or shrubs.

Lighting extends the use of your patio into the evening and sets the tone for many enjoyable gatherings to come.

Furniture and Accessories

If you want to create an outdoor living space, you need to use the right furniture. Invest in comfortable outdoor chairs, sofas, or even a hammock. Look for weather-resistant materials and cushions intended for outdoor use. 

The use of the space will be an indication of the type and size of the furniture you need to add to the different areas of the patio. For example, if you want a dining area, it is a good idea to decide on how many people you want to accommodate before you buy a dining set.

Add accessories like cushions, outdoor rugs, and plants to make the space feel tailored. Personal touches such as outdoor artwork or decorations that reflect your style will bring your initial design plan together.

This is where you let your personal aesthetic shine. Add items that you enjoy looking at, as you will hopefully be spending a lot of time in your new patio area.

An Entertainment Area

Consider adding an outdoor fireplace or fire pit. It provides warmth on cooler evenings and creates a focal point.

An outdoor speaker system, a small TV, or a portable projector will allow you to enjoy music, movies, or sports while relaxing outdoors.

Some other great ideas for your patio area include:

  • Add a bar area
  • Install a BBQ
  • Build a pizza oven

Landscaping and Greenery

Incorporate plants and greenery in and around your patio. You can make use of planters and pots to create visual interest by filling them with plants that vary in height and form. If your space allows it, consider planting an herb garden for use and decoration.


Regular maintenance and cleaning ensure that your patio is always ready for use. Consider covers for furniture and accessories that are easy to remove, but also sturdy enough to stay on during the rainy and windy seasons. 

Know How to Design a Patio

Knowing how to design a patio you will love is the hardest part of this project. Whether you know exactly what you want or need help understanding what is feasible for your space and budget, Martin John Company can help. Contact us today. Martin John Company has been providing a wide array of patio and landscaping services throughout the Chicagoland area since 2001. 

Green Grass

How to Get Green Grass: 11 Tips for Homeowners

Did you know that 79% of people still believe the lawn is important when buying or selling a home? If your lawn is imperfect, now is the time to make changes.

While it will take some time and work, your reward will be a beautiful green lawn. Also, don’t worry- you don’t have to do all the work on your own (more on that later).  

If you have been wondering how to get green grass that looks lush and beautiful, you have come to the right place. Here, you can find a few tips to help you get the greenest lawn in the neighborhood.

Tip 1: Choose the Right Grass

If you want a healthy green lawn, you must start by picking the right grass. Not all grasses grow well in every place.

Some like it hot, and some like it cool. Think about the kind of weather you have where you live.

In Chicago and surrounding suburbs, you might want to pick a cool-season grass like Kentucky Bluegrass. This type of grass likes the chilly winters and warm summers in Chicago.

Tip 2: Water Wisely

Water is like a magic potion for grass. It makes it grow tall, green, and strong. But you need to water it in the right way.

The best time to water your lawn is early morning when it is cool. This way, the water will not quickly evaporate before your grass gets to drink.

You also need to give your lawn just the right amount of water, not too much or too little. About 1 to 1.5 inches of water each week is perfect.

If you are not sure how much that is, try this trick. Place a small, empty tuna can on your lawn while you water. When it’s full, that’s about an inch of water.

Tip 3: Don’t Cut the Grass Too Short

Have you ever had a short haircut? It feels cool initially, but your head might get too cold or hot, right?

The grass feels the same way. If you cut it too short, it cannot protect its roots from the hot sun.

When mowing your lawn, you should aim to keep your grass about 3 inches tall. This might seem a little tall, but it is the perfect height. The taller grass creates shade for the roots, keeping them cooler.

Also, when the grass is a little taller, it is healthier and can fight weeds better. So, when you are mowing your lawn, remember to set your mower to a higher setting.

Tip 4: Feed Your Grass

Just like we need food to grow strong and healthy, grass does too. The food for grass is called “fertilizer.” Fertilizer is full of nutrients that help your grass grow tall and green.

You can buy many types of fertilizer, but one of the best is slow-release fertilizer. It is kind of like a time-release meal for your lawn. It feeds your grass a few nutrients at a time over several weeks.

But remember, just like overeating food is not good for us, too much fertilizer is not good for your grass. Always follow the fertilizer bag instructions to ensure you are feeding your lawn the right amount. When done correctly, feeding your grass with fertilizer is a key step in knowing how to get a green lawn.

Tip 5: Aerate Your Lawn

Aeration means making tiny holes in your lawn’s soil. These holes let air, water, and nutrients easily reach the grass roots.

A professional landscaping company like Martin John Company can do this for you or you can rent a machine called an aerator to do this job. This machine pulls out tiny plugs of soil from your lawn. It is like giving your lawn a bunch of little breathing holes.

Aerating your lawn is one of those lawn care tips that may seem strange, but it does wonders for your grass. After aerating, your lawn can eat, drink, and breathe easier.

Tip 6: How to Get Green Grass with Overseeding

Sometimes, our lawns can get thin or patchy spots where the grass is not as thick or green as we would like. That is where overseeding comes in. Overseeding is like filling in a coloring book page with extra color.

You take new grass seeds and spread them over your existing lawn. This adds more grass to your lawn and helps fill the thin or bare spots.

Before you start overseeding, mow your lawn a bit shorter than usual and rake it well. This helps the new seeds reach the soil and grow better.

Remember, after you overseed, you will need to water your lawn more often as new grass seed need lots of water to grow. Follow the watering guidelines for the grass seed you choose to use.

Tip 7: Control Weeds

Weeds are like party crashers on your lawn. They pop up uninvited and steal food and drink (or, in this case, nutrients and water) from your grass. Too many weeds can make your grass less green and healthy.

There are two main ways to control weeds. One way is to pull them out by hand. Ensure to get the whole weed, including the root, or it might grow back.

The second way is to use a weed killer. You can find this at a garden store. Just be careful to follow the instructions on the bottle and only use it on the weeds, not your good grass.

Tip 8: Watch Out for Pests

Tiny creatures like bugs and grubs can cause big problems for your lawn. They can eat your grass and its roots, leaving behind ugly brown spots.

You might have pests if you see brown spots or the grass pulls up easily like a carpet. Do not worry; there are ways to get rid of them.

You can use natural or chemical pest control. Natural controls might include using other bugs that eat the pests. Chemical controls are sprays or granules that kill pests.

Always be careful when using chemical pest controls. Follow the instructions and keep them away from pets and kids.

Tip 9: Test Your Soil

Did you know that dirt, or soil as scientists call it, is important for your grass? Soil is where your grass gets a lot of its food. Just like you would not like eating the same meal daily, grass likes different nutrients to be healthy and green.

You can find out what nutrients your soil has and needs more of by doing a soil test. You can get a soil test kit from a garden store. The test will tell you what kind of food your soil needs.

Once you know this, you can pick the right fertilizer for your lawn. Remember, healthy soil means a healthy lawn.

Tip 10: Care for Your Lawn Equipment

Taking care of your lawn means also taking care of your lawn equipment. If your lawn mower, rake, or other lawn tools are not well-cared for, they can’t do their job and might even hurt your grass.

For example, your lawn mower blades need to be sharp. Dull blades can tear your grass instead of cutting it neatly. Torn grass can turn brown and make your lawn look less green.

Cleaning your lawn tools is also important. Just like washing your hands keeps you from spreading germs, cleaning your tools keeps them from spreading lawn diseases.

Finally, remember to store your tools properly when not in use. This helps them last longer. They should be kept in a dry place, like a shed or a garage.

Tip 11: Hire a Professional

After reading all these tips, you might think getting green grass is a lot of work. And you are right; it can be.

But do not worry; Martin John Company is an expert in keeping lawns healthy and looking great all summer long.

They can choose the right grass, water it correctly, control weeds, and fight off pests. They also know how to use all the fancy lawn care machines.

Hiring a professional might cost money, but it can save you time and effort. You can learn from them and maybe do lawn care yourself next time.

Now You Know How to Get Green Grass

By following these tips on how to get green grass, you will be on your way to creating a stunning, verdant space where you can relax and enjoy. Remember, caring for grass is a rewarding task that pays off with a beautiful, lush lawn.

You can also find all types of backyard ideas to enhance the space even more. While caring for grass is important, there are all types of other things you can do. 

However, if you are not confident you can handle the job, contact us. We can provide the professional lawn care services you need to get the beautiful green lawn you want.



Springtime in Chicago usually means that avid gardeners have to be prepared for weather that can be highly unpredictable at times. In many cases, weather patterns can change from rain to snow to a beautiful 65-degree day – so it’s important to make the right preparations so that your flowers and other plants will be able to thrive.

Cut Back Perennials and Grasses

Trim last year’s stalks on any ornamental grasses you have to just a few inches above ground level before new growth comes in. Now is the time to remove any dried stalks of perennials that may still be standing as well, and this should be either done while the soil is still frozen or after it has drained properly so that you can avoid walking on wet soil.

Cut Branches on Flowering Shrubs

If you have any spring bloomers in your garden such as forsythia, now is the time to cut them and stand them in vases of warm water – this will help encourage them to start blooming indoors. Ensure that any pruning is done very carefully so that the overall shape of these shrubs is left intact.

When to Prune Your Trees

If trees such as elms, maples and birches are trimmed while their sap is still flowing, the cut areas will bleed with sap. This not only looks rather unsightly; it will also attract insects and make the trees more susceptible to various diseases. The best time to prune most trees is during winter while they’re dormant because this will be when they’ll be less prone to disease.

Remove Tree Wrap

If any trees in your garden have been wrapped, now will be the time to remove it. Leaving tree wrap on for too long will trap too much moisture around the trunk and encourage disease.

Prune your Shrub Roses

There’s usually no need to cut back every stem on your shrub roses, but it’s a good idea to prune any stems or parts of stems that have died during the winter. The rest of the shrub can then be pruned as needed to obtain the desired shape and size.

Don’t Dig in or Walk on Wet Soil

Digging in or walking on soil that is still wet will cause it to become compacted. Over time, this will cause any plant roots underneath it to become smothered – and compacted soil is quite a challenging condition to rectify. As such, you should wait until soil has thawed all the way through and water is draining easily through it before starting any digging or walking on any part of your lawn or garden area.

Although getting your garden and yard ready for spring may seem like an overwhelming task – especially if you try tackling it alone – this need not be the case if you enlist the help of our professional landscaping team. Contact us today if you would like to learn more about getting your flower beds and yard ready for spring.



Regardless of whether you’re new to the gardening scene or you’re highly experienced in this area, chances are that you’ll be on the lookout for ideas with regards to the types of plants that will thrive on your Chicago property. With Chicago falling into zone 5, it’s essential to choose plants that will survive the weather conditions that are experienced in this region.

If you’re looking for plants that will last all year round, the list below will make a great starting point:


In most cases, these perennials are so hardy that they’ve been known to last for decades in a well-kept garden. Grid stakes can be added around them while they are blooming to prevent them from toppling over as they get bigger. Peonies require full sun to partial shade and it’s essential for their soil to be well drained. They can usually be expected to grow to about 3 feet tall.


Also commonly known as lilyturf, this plant has narrow foliage resembling grass and it can be green or variegated. Liriope is known to make an excellent groundcover and it is also used as an edging plant to help control erosion on steeply sloped areas. It can also last for many years – even in gardens that have been left unattended for long periods of time. Full sun to partial shade is needed, along with well-drained soil and it can reach a height of around 18 inches.

Oriental Poppy

Although the Oriental poppy may look fragile, this plant will thrive in even the most difficult conditions – it has been found growing at properties that have been abandoned for many years. While it is best to not move these flowers, they can be divided and transplanted during the fall months if truly necessary. Well-drained soil and full sun will ensure that they thrive and they can grow to as high as 3 feet.


Wisteria has been known to bloom for many years and it’s well known for its blue or white fragrant flowers. The variety called ‘Blue Moon’ has been especially developed for colder regions and it requires full sun and well-drained soil to thrive. Keep in mind that this plant can reach heights of 25 feet in some cases.

New England Aster

This perennial will provide some late season color to your garden and it becomes covered in pink or purplish blue flowers that make a beautiful show. The New England Aster will help attract butterflies to your garden and it grows to about 6 inches tall. Well-drained soil and full sun are needed for it to thrive.

Ensuring that the soil in your garden is well drained is probably one of the most important things to do before starting with any planting. If you’re unsure of the types of flowers, shrubs or trees that will do well in your yard, contact our team of experienced landscapers today. We look forward to assisting you with getting your garden looking as attractive as possible.



When planting a garden, most property owners tend to only focus on what is being planted. However, trees, flowers, bushes and shrubs aren’t all that has to be considered when planning your garden in the Chicago area. Although items such as garden furniture, ornaments, fire pits and even dividing walls may not bloom like your favorite plant, they are forms of hardscaping that have a way of transforming your yard space into something truly special.

What Hardscaping Does for your Yard

Hardscape exists at virtually every property in the form of patios, driveways, walkways and other structures or decorations, all of which help make it as accessible and attractive as possible. As such, hardscape exists to prevent water absorption and soil erosion. For example, rain, sprinklers and water from garden hoses can degrade a home’s exterior in no time – but placing the right forms of hardscaping in strategic areas will prevent this from happening.

Although managing the flow of melting snow and rain water through your yard’s landscape during winter can be challenging, the correct hardscaping will simplify the process. An example would be to have the excess water be channeled into a depression or low spot, where it can then soak into a buried drainage pipe that will carry it out of your yard – preventing flooding from occurring.

Erecting hardscaping such as an enclosed patio area or even a fire pit will also allow your family to make the most of your outdoor living space during the colder months.

Why Landscaping is Beneficial in Chicago Gardens

Having your Chicago yard professionally landscaped will do far more than just improve your home’s curb appeal.

Did you know that it could even help reduce utility bills and conserve energy in cold climates? In these areas, the goal is to block as much of the icy winter wind as possible with the right shrubs and trees, and also to capture as much available sun as possible.

Plants also help reduce noise levels and absorb a significant amount of pollutants before they have the opportunity to enter your home. For instance, a cypress hedge that is planted just two feet thick along the front boundary line of your property will reduce the amount of street noise you hear inside by up to 5 decibels.

How we can Help

Many homeowners feel overwhelmed at the thought of planning hardscaping and landscaping for their properties. However, our team can assist with each aspect of the planning, costing and labor processes – enabling you and your family to have a garden and outdoor living area that you’ll be proud of and will enjoy using all year round.

If you would like to find out more about how the right combination of hardscaping and landscaping will benefit your property in the Chicago area, get in touch with us today. We look forward to providing you with various options to suit your needs and budget.



Many Chicago homeowners think that it will be impossible for them to enjoy using their fire pit for three out of four seasons. However, this could not be further from the truth – especially if the right preparations are made ahead of time.

Below are some steps you can take to ensure that you’ll be able to enjoy spending time around your fire pit all year round.

Use a Cover to Keep Snow Out

This is probably one of the most important things to do if you intend to use your fire pit during winter. As with your outdoor grill, you’ll want to keep a decent cover over the main section of your fire pit to ensure that snow doesn’t accumulate inside – this will make it more difficult to get a fire going.

If your fire pit is portable, consider moving it undercover after use – just ensure that it is cold enough to move safely!

Ensure that Firewood is Kept Dry

Wet wood will make it almost impossible to start a fire in your fire pit, so it’s essential that your supply be stored somewhere that it will remain dry. It’s also important to keep any kindling you use dry as well, otherwise you could end up experiencing more smoke than fire.

Dig Out a Path to your Fire Pit

Just because a few inches of snow have been left on the ground, it doesn’t mean that your fire pit is now inaccessible. In fact, after snowfall, it can be a lot of fun to build a fire, erect an igloo and even have snowball fights with friends and family – all you need to do for everyone to be able to enjoy thawing out around the fire afterwards is to dig a path going to your fire pit.

Keep Seating as Dry as Possible

Although it will be pleasant for friends and family to gather round your fire pit to get warm, the experience will certainly be dampened – no pun intended – if they have to use wet seating.

Consider having waterproof covers made for the seating around your fire pit, especially if it’s a permanent fixture. Don’t forget to provide plenty of warm, snuggly blankets that guests can use to wrap up in as they spend time around the fire.

Make your Fire Pit Easy to Find

This can be done by adding soft lighting around your patio and along the walkway leading to it.  There are several solar options available that don’t even require direct sunlight to operate. Alternatively, you can string outdoor lights in nearby shrubs or trees to create somewhat of a festive atmosphere for visitors.

If you don’t have a fire pit installed in your Chicago yard yet, now is the time to start planning and choosing the option that will work best for you. Looking for options to build your outdoor living space? Contact our team today to find out about the best type of fire pit to install in your yard.



Evergreen trees are an excellent choice for gardens in zone 5 because they’re known for being extremely cold hardy – meaning that they will continue providing green color to your Chicago garden all year round. If you’ve been considering planting some evergreen trees in your yard, but have been undecided with regards to the varieties that would do best, the information below will help you make your final decision.

Norway Spruce

Although these trees are a familiar sight throughout much of the country, they are in fact native to Europe. The Norway Spruce’s dense branch pattern and tolerance to various soil conditions means that it is an extremely popular tree to be planted in areas where windbreaks are needed. If your yard is spacious enough to handle these trees – they do become quite large over time – you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful show of green from them.

Green Giant Arborvitae

If you’re looking for something that grows relatively quickly and will survive the harsh Chicago winter, the green giant arborvitae will fit the bill. It forms a natural pyramidal shape that boasts foliage that remains rich, green and dense – although it may sometimes darken or bronze a little during colder weather. These trees are ideal for using as a natural privacy screen or hedge; they are highly resistant to wind and make an excellent choice in areas where a windbreak is needed.

The Blues Weeping Colorado Spruce

If smaller evergreen trees will be a better fit for your yard and garden, you will not go wrong with this dwarf variety of evergreen tree. Although it’s quite fast growing, it will usually top out at a maximum of around 10 feet in height and between 5 and 10 feet wide. It’s blue-green needles make a beautiful show and they grow quite densely along its downward-hanging branches. This tree thrives in full sun areas, but will tolerate a little shade if necessary.

Dwarf Balsam Fir

This squat, rounded fir tree displays lush needles that are a brilliant dark green and it has a relatively slow rate of growth, making it an ideal choice for homeowners who don’t have a lot of time to prune their shrubs. Although it has fairly densely packed branches, it will only reach a size of between 5 and 6 feet wide after several years of growth.

Dwarf Serbian Spruce

This evergreen bush grows extremely densely, making it a great option for planting in smaller garden beds. It has attractive green needles with white stripes on the underside and is fairly slow growing, reaching a maximum height of between 3 and 5 feet. Virtually no pruning is needed on this evergreen, making it ideal for homeowners who don’t enjoy spending a lot of time in the garden.

If you would like to learn more about the varieties of evergreen trees that will thrive in your Chicago garden and yard, contact our experienced landscaping team today. We look forward to assisting you.